Dr John Celes Poems

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Irt Pmcians' Alumni Meet, Perundurai,24th March,2012

This day is one memorable
To all who made it to this meet;
We join colleagues to enable,
Enquiry, foster ties and greet.

A Fervent Prayer

O Lord,
Open the floodgates of Heaven
To pour thy grace torrentially;
So that I see what I must see

Rely On God Always

When future seems a bit bizarre,
And hope and faith in God wavers,
Our God who stood by us thus far
Neither abandons nor forsakes!

Ii Alumni Meet Of Pmcians,2012 - A Gist

What seniors told their junior medicos:
The second Alumni meet at PMC
had drawn a sizable crowd of seniors;
Some came from ev'n abroad to take part in

A Special Prayer To The Blessed Mary Ever Virgin

Hail O Mary, full of grace!
Ev’r virgin with heav’nly gaze!
Mother of Christ and human race!
Bless’d lady with divine face!

Why Blame...

Why blame the state of things around
For what they are, and how they are?
Each one must take the blame sans sound
For freedom’s misuse, use unfair!

Sonnet: 11-11-11

The date is strange with six ‘ones’ in a line,
And happens once within a century;
The day in history will forever shine,
As world encounters peace and wars bury!

A Widow

She, having lost her husband very soon
After her marriage, while with babe in womb,
Well accepted a life without a moon,
With just a female child that was welcome!

On Being Patient

Patient persons seldom lose;
Winning always seems their forte;
Time may not be on their side;
But in life, there’s no defeat!

Why Do People Behave In The Ways, They Do? (A Prose Poem)

</>I cannot understand
why most people behave
in the ways they do at present?
I certainly cannot accept

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