Irt Pmcians' Alumni Meet, Perundurai,24th March,2012 Poem by Dr John Celes

Irt Pmcians' Alumni Meet, Perundurai,24th March,2012

This day is one memorable
To all who made it to this meet;
We join colleagues to enable,
Enquiry, foster ties and greet.

We're here to see our old campus,
And talk to teachers, friends, so dear;
We're back to see the greenery,
And walk the lanes with joyful tear!

Our college days were good indeed,
But could have been a bit better;
Yet, we can't live always with greed:
Be content in spirit, letter!

Just when we thought our college days
Were blissful to our hearts and souls,
Time tolled the bell to part our ways,
To take new roads, attaining goals!

The life we led was glorious;
We know we cannot have it back;
Sometimes, we were too furious,
And put our hopes on Lady Luck.

Today, we've come with kith and kin
To boast about our college days;
It had its failures, mirth, woes, win,
That gave us each a smiling face.

We miss those days really much;
Those were most pleasurable and best;
Each moment had a magic touch,
That brought sheer joy to our small nest!

We thank our teachers and stalwarts;
We thank God for mercy showered;
We thank the many unsung hearts,
Who helped us bud, blossom, flowered!

Today, we are all well in health;
We look for brighter days ahead;
We also dream to earn more wealth,
But we must always keep our head!

True joy is when we give others;
Let's make this world a better place;
Let's care with love our sick brothers,
And glorify the human race!

God chose us do the healing stuff;
We are the luckiest of men;
Let's make our patients smile and laugh,
This world, a haven and heaven!

Fondly dedicated by Dr. A.Celestine Raj Manohar M.D.,
Dean, Prof. of Medicine and former HOD
to all my beloved former medico students
Of IRT PMC, Perundurai
"Happy Alumni Meet"
Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-3-12

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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