Geeta Radhakrishna Menon Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mother 2 - My Darling Mom

Seventeen years have passed,
Since you made your transition, dearest Mom!
From this world of earthly pleasures,
Far, far away from me, and your family!

Vincent Van Gogh 55 - A Big Mistake?

A true artiste seeks excellence.
He draws and draws to get the ideal picture.
He sketches till he gets a flawless frame.
A long process, indeed,

Lilting Lyrics 9 - Crystals

Crystal natural milky white,
Crystal polished shining bright,
Crystal quartz healing right,
Crystal clusters mystical light.


After the traumatic event of floods
In Mumbai on 26th July 2005;
That devastated many lives in the city,
And changed the life of my family totally,

Kerala 4 - Kerala Named After The Windy Coconuts

Wind! A faithful friend! of
Winsome, tall, green coconut trees,
Whispering sweet messages in secret,
Whistling away joyful, romantic tunes,

A classic painting of the beautiful princess ‘Damayanti'
Attractive art work, in conversation with the swan -‘Hamsa',
Takes you on a flight with golden wings of imagination,
To an exotic destination of amour, intrigue and love affair!

Tree 7 - Bonding With You O! Banyan Tree!

Banyan O! Banyan!
Beautiful you look!
Bountiful you bestow!

An Ode To Poetess Leeann Azzopardi

Splendid like the red rose flower,
Spectacular like the yellow sun flower,
Sensational like the blue lily flower,
Sweet like the white daisy flower;

Environment 6 -Plastic Pollution

Polluting the environment with
Plastics - the new age material,
Polluting our rivers, lakes and ponds,
Perpetually damaging our marine life by

Love 12 - Love You Must

In life,
You must love;
For love is
Most beautiful like a flower,

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