Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

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The effort to do an important task should be
made after knowing the proper time,
thereby knowing the proper place to do it,

A Wife Who Does Not Possess The Esteemed Character!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said that leading the family life with a wife


In spite of the fact of seeing the daytime appearing everyday,
People feel joyful and enjoy that the daytime will exist for ever!

These people are those who do not know without keeping in mind

Raise In Mind Like Him Thinking Of Hard Work Only!

With a a thought of being young,
..Be joyful like him all day!

Eliminate harmful words,


To be kind and to shower courtesy is the beauty for the eyes!
Not to go to others for getting alms is the beauty for the legs!
Saying things as ‘this is this' is the beauty for the calculation!
For the people who listen saying ‘fine' is the beauty for the music!


For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said there is no worse sexual intercourse with the wife

There Is No Other Evil Than The Evil Of Hiding And Denying!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said that there is no other evil than the evil


The extremely superior people who realise
the mortal nonexistence, the occurrence of diseases,
the old age with senility and the imminent death
will practise the self disciplined penance!

There Is No Graveyard For Any Person Than Having Idiocy!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said that there is no graveyard for any person

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