Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

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For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said that for the people who are very much

The Beauty For The Man Who Is In Charge Of The Army!

The Beauty For The Sumptuous Food What You Eat Everyday!

The beauty for the sumptuous food
What you eat everyday is to eat,
Not only with the kith and kin;
But also with the guests, who come

You Are Called As 50 Kg Taj Mahal!

O' my dear daughter!
Don't put on weight;

If you are ninety KG,

There Are Wordy Quarrel With Thunders And Showers!

In the orchid where there are bees,
There arises humming sweet melodious music!

In the assembly where there is pleasant Tamil,

The Beauty For The Women Is To Take Care Of Their Husband!


For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is said that for the people who are very much

The Virtuous Person Will Not Do Any Vices!

The worldly pleasures are enormous
..With the persons who have wealth!

The virtues are with the persons

O' the chieftain who has the country with the shore
of the reverberating sea with its waves
that keep aside the fleshy odour of the carp fish
by the pleasant smell of the flowers of Poon tree!

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