Dr.V.K. Kanniappan Poems

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Did I Titter With Bashfulness?

By seeing a few leaves tied along the fragrant flowers
in the flowery garland tied around the hands of the person,

who acts the play of aggressive show as if the power


Since the Sun as a nearly perfect sphere of light
That shines and exists in the solar system as a
Measure of everyone's life time comes routinely
Everyday without fail calculates our life time,

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,
To be a learned person is more elite than
To be called as a person born in a family

It Is Elite To Be In Acquaintance With The Learned People!

Pearls In The Tear Drops From The Eyes Of The Girls!

It is said that the brightly shining pearls that
were yielded by the oysters can be obtained
not only in the shores of the port of KoRkai,

It Is Elite To Enlarge Your Strength By Equipping Yourself!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,
It is elite to increase and enlarge your strength
By equipping with the ways and means;

It Is Elite That One Should Safeguard The Wealth Carefully!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,

It is elite that,

The good heart of the learned and honourable persons
Will stand strong and stable in the rightiest way of virtues,

Considering that the drums echoed in the marriage hall

A Person Born In A Reputed Family Of High Inheritance!

For all the people who live in this world
Surrounded by the roaring extensive ocean,
A person who is born in a reputed family of
High inheritance is known by his kind heart,

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