Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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My Books And I

My books and I are good old pals:
My laughing books are gay,
Just suited for my merry moods
When I am wont to play.

The Scoffer

If I had lived in Franklin's time I'm most afraid that I,
Beholding him out in the rain, a kite about to fly,
And noticing upon its tail the barn door's rusty key,


I'm up against it day by day,
My ignorance is distressing;
The things I don't know on the way
I'm busily confessing.

When Pa Comes Home

When Pa comes home, I'm at the door,
An' then he grabs me off the floor
An' throws me up an' catches me
When I come down, an' then, says he:


Be grateful for the kindly friends that walk along your way;
Be grateful for the skies of blue that smile from day to day;
Be grateful for the health you own, the work you find to do,
For round about you there are men less fortunate than you.

The Blue Flannel Shirt

I am eager once more to feel easy,
I'm weary of thinking of dress;
I'm heartily sick of stiff collars,

A Toast To Happiness

To happiness I raise my glass,
The goal of every human,
The hope of every clan and class
And every man and woman.

When Mother's Sewing Buttons On

When mother's sewing buttons on
Their little garments, one by one,
I settle down contented there
And watch her in her rocking chair.

A Father's Wish

What do I want my boy to be?
Oft is the question asked of me,
And oft I ask it of myself-
What corner, niche or post or shelf
In the great hall of life would I

Why We Fight

This is the thing we fight:
A cry of terror in the night;
A ship on work of mercy bent—
A carrier of the sick and maimed—

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