Edmund V. Strolis Poems

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Dig In

You see things one way and I another
Yet stop and ask yourself
Do you wish me well
Well let's create a shield for two

With The Nourishing

Growing tomatos for me at least
Is not just to reap the rewards of harvest
I would not lessen the experience
By boring myself with the practical

Honky Tonk Barn Dance

Honky tonk barn dance
Dusty back road under the moon
A smell in the air of sweet romance
Geese will be swimming skies soon

Oh Michigan!

Oh Michigan, winter wonderland!
Let me peel off my wet socks
Hung now steaming above the fire

The Fighting 54th Black Regiment

When the cannon were silenced at last
after the last bayonet found its mark
Then the counting of loss had begun
Yet, the gain can never be measured

From Molecules To Mozart

Evolution, a potter's wheel, Spinning life from a cosmic debris
Not a stairway or a puzzle, nature's siblings, the birds and bees
They hover along the ocean's floor in impossible neon dreams
Dazzling displays of fierce feathers on high, strutting, preening.

Message In A Bottle

A message in a bottle written to myself by me
Penned in sober common sense for my eyes to see
Dropped into a troubled pool of life's uncertainty
A message in a bottle that only I can read

The Spirit Of Paris

Somewhere, always.........

A child is born and cries out loud.

Crab Shells And Kipling

In a world seeking recognition.
I am who I am.
In a mass of humanity in need of definition
I am who I am.

Smelling Salts

The train has left the station, you stand flat footed in coal dust.
The ship has left the harbor and you're soaked in its frothy wake.
On the train she reads a magazine, stretches, reapplies her make up.
On the ship she teases the Cabana boy sipping Tequila in the sun.

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