Edwina Reizer Poems

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Fool Me Not

All those honeyed words I hear
make me cringe as you
whisper them in my ear.
For the words I believe

Diversions (American Attitude)

Diversions, diversions for our brain,
you choose one or the other.
You won't have to think for a few hours.
The diversion will help to smother

Seasons And My Autumn

When the year grows old
and I grow older too,
I sympathize with the last few months
but anticipate the new.

Rock The Discomfort Away

The rocking movement to and fro
brings me comfort in my chair.
It soothes the discomfort in my heart
that is so hard to bear.

Gathering Dust

The books on my shelves
are now gathering dust.
I will get back to them
for I know I must.


I fear that I have lost you
not from things you say,
just from the things you leave unsaid
on too many a day.

The Finding

With my right hand I caress the keys
and create a melody.
With my left hand I find the chords
to caress the melody.

The Unfortunate Soul

Some poor unfortunate soul
towards the end of the day
has made it to my doorstep.
And who am I to say,

Time Is The King

They say time heals everything.
So untruthful, for time is the King.
It must have ruled while on its throne
and turned my heart into stone.

Love To Me

The sweetness and the joy of love
is how we all survive.
It's roses, perfume and starlight.
It makes you feel alive.

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