Eli Unknown

Eli Unknown Poems


like a raging ocean filled with crashing waves
i pray to fade away
and when i close my eye
i can see forever

anything you wish it to be
the very thing eye wish it to be
the tiny dancer in my head

if only i could find the right words to express
deep inside my soul screams distress
and in the midst of all the chaotic flow
my mind just lets go

If there was a willing way out
by all means i seek it
i dig deep into it
hoping to find what was scattered behind

i shall drink to forget and smoke to remember
the sweet smell of September
i am broken inside
yet my back bone hides

eye lay moaning to the goddess
pain surges thru every muscle and vein
the voices in my head
are all that's keeping me sane

pieces of the puzzle yet to be revealed
already the fate of this life is sealed
we are not alone
put out the fire in your head

i was once a rolling thunder
and came on the light a broken road is all i know
but with time it has grown
winding down the dusky road

the day i was born
was mothers day of 78
a quarter til 3
out came me

bring to me some sign of relief
tell me what it is you see
there is a door open for only you to enter
and be a part of whats left of me

the pain and pleasure wrapped inside
there is no place for my weeping mind to hide
facing the good and bad times with you
and for all the things we have been through

eating away inside
im the feeling you can NO longer hide
there is a twisting pain
driving me insane

here it begins to fall from my lips
who even know what eye will spit...
the tight grip on the reigns
never go back AGAIN

is this a nightmare
or is this tuning in clear
halla if ya hear me
bob ya hed if u feel me

calm in choppy waters
wind coming in @ 35 mph
tattered wings and worn thin heart
tearing and ripping thru my loosened seams

as i sit here pondering this and that
disecting all the facts
tongue in motion
wrapped in devotion


i shall drink to forget and smoke to remember
the sweet smell of September
i am broken inside
yet my back bone hides

unable to feel
unable to see
unable to know
the geology of me

eye have been many place
and still know my place
seen far distances
and stil know your face

watching me from afar
i still know who you are
you whisper in the darkened shadows
you follow me where- ever i go

Eli Unknown Biography

a place in time - eye was created and survived rather than being raised- to reach a point where words were not just are weapons yet- tools of healing - it divides the lines of my life. self expression and self creation. be a womyn of one's word. and let the song sing from your soul. there is only time that we have and with it let us make history. pain is evident -suffering is optional. eye am currently trying to step up to slam jam... baby steps.. this is an outlet for things that eye cant say outloud./.. to those who know me know me well... all others can find out here, ....)

The Best Poem Of Eli Unknown


like a raging ocean filled with crashing waves
i pray to fade away
and when i close my eye
i can see forever
nothing can extinguish my fire
i seek my higher power
and scream a lil louder
shouting at the darkened sky
twinkling gleams pierce into me
and i begin to see
what was in front of me
no room for hope and faith
if you set it down
i am thrashing into the ground
rolling in nature'\s storm
something help me -keep me warm
my purple lips quiver
cold from the weather
i must keep it together
but right now
im falling apart
when you pick it up you never wanna let it go
its a part of you than now makes you whole

no more emptiness
ride the wave and keep faith
than things will be great
hope is all i have left
til my last breath
let this flow over me
a new level i shall see
this test before me
is like nothing words could explain
smashing bullets into my brain

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