Emily Reid

Emily Reid Poems

I wake up each morning
With another tear stained face
And no matter how hard I try
These tears I can't erase

I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I can only be me
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
Like the girl you want me to be

Blood and Pain is all she sees.
She slits her skin to find freedom.
He hurt her and doesn’t know.
He’s the reason she cries herself to sleep.

I float in a pool of darkness
Cold presses in on me
I am alone
Floating aimlessly

She is happy, I'm sad
She has friends, I don't
People understand her,
No one understands me

In her early life,
pain fell hard and fast,
she thought how for sure her
Knight was in the past.

Tonight I wish the tears would fall down
But it seems nowadays they seldom do
Only imagining the possible escape
They could provide me with, it's true


My wrist is cut.
Blood streams down my arm.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why do I feel like this?

I see sadness in your eyes
But all I can do is wonder why
You tell me everything is alright
But I know your heart is broken inside

I’m sorry I pushed you out of my life
I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you
Now I realize I want you
Every night I feel a tear roll down my eye

I'm sorry I'm not perfect, for that's what you deserve.
You're wonderful in everyway, and that, sweetie, is for sure.

No one makes me feel so happily inside.

I want to die
I cut my wrists
No one sees me crying
No one cares

Tears of pain
Tears of rain
Tears of blood
Tears that no one can see but me

I want to cry
I want to scream
I want to tell you mostly
I hate that I’m so afraid of everything

(written from a male perspective)

You say you’re Cinderella
Or so you want to be

The time has come I think you know
The Lord is calling so you must go
I love you so much; I wish it wasn't so
I wish you could stay; I don't want to go

Emily Reid Biography

I'm a teenager just trying to get through the struggles of life, boys, family, and friends that don't seem to care. Don't judge me because you have no idea what i'm going through, what i've been through or how i'm feeling. You don't know me...)

The Best Poem Of Emily Reid

I Love You And You Don'T Care.

Another day goes by and I love you more and more. It's hard for me to see you with her but it's something I have learned to live with. I sometimes cry myself to sleep because I think of you and only want you to feel the same way I do. I cry in the rain so no one can see me crying and it's killing me inside to not be able to be with you when that's all I want. I can't get you off my mind and even when I close my eyes I dream about you all the time and I just want to have you by my side. I thought that I could just forget about you but it's really not that easy. My heart has fallen apart and you won't ever know. I love you so much but you'll never truly realize how much, no one ever will. I love you and I always will but you'll never love me and I really can’t except that. I love you too much and my feelings are too strong. I can't just forget about you. You are the one dream of mine that will never come true. I often sit around and think of you but then I think of the fact that you'll never love me. The thing that hurts the most is feeling this way and knowing that you'll never feel the same. To be with you is my ultimate dream. Every time I see you talking to her or smiling at her, my heart begins to cry and another piece of it slowly breaks. For now I shall keep my love for you a secret. I can't move on, I can't forget, you mean so much to me and it's killing me inside to see you with her. Still I only want you to be happy even if my heart is broken. You know nothing of my fears or of my tears and you can‘t ever know. I want to just stop and give up on you but it's just not that easy. I love you and I always will. You are my prince, my knight in shinning armor. I will love you for always and forever.

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