Emma Jane Rae Poems

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Anger Oversees Hurt!

My angers still there,
its been building up inside,
do i step up or stand to the side,
which way should i turn?

At Christmas Time.

I'm dreading this christmas,
without you here,
maybe i'll get off my head,
on wine and beer,


i wish my life was like a shop,
to be opened and closed,
when i want,
it would be open to me,

All Your Fault

i cant believe,
you didnt think i'd know,
although i guess i never thought,
you'd sink this low,

Back On Scratch

We can't call a trouse,
coz you wasnt true,
i try to make the best,
out of this mess,

Dust If You Must.

* i read this poem in a magazine oneday and i liked it so i'd like to share it with you! *

Dust if you must,
but it might be better,

Do You Ever?

Do you ever look back and regret things you've done?
Do you ever regret becomming a mum?
Do you remember the kisses you gave me at night?
Do you remember tucking me in and cuddling me tight?

Paw Prints On My Heart!

Since you left,
life hasn't been the same,
i ponder at you pictures,
dotted about in pretty frames,

Depression! The Silent Killer!

Depression is an evil thing,
It can turn a heart to stone,
You can be in a room full of people,
But never feel more alone,

I'M Sorry I Told You We'Re Through! !

I'm sorry that i caused you tears,
the day i said goodbye,
I'm sorry that you broke down,
and that i made you cry,

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