Emma Jane Rae Poems

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I Miss You Grandad!

I'm trying to understand whats happened Grandad,
i'm feeling lonely, and i'm feeling sad,
i'm trying to hide all the pain that i'm feeling,
it's like a stack of books from floor to ceiling,

Out Of Sight But Always In Our Hearts!

No words can describr,
how much you will be missed,
i'd bring you back,
if i had one wish,

Feeling Good!

The feeling of a smile,
creeping over my face,
makes me feel happy inside,
especially if it's happy tears i have cried,

True Love!

i went to the Doctor,
and the Doctor said,
you get home,
go straight to bed,


The days are creeping in,
closer to your wedding day,
i just don't know what to say,
you broke my heart,

I Don't Know What To Do!

Is it the nights,
That just don't feel the same?
When you realise your alone,
And you've got no one else to blame,

Just A Carer.

You're JUST a carer,
You said to me,
But you don't get,
To see what we see,

Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

You gave me life,
you gave me my blood,
you turned my name,
from gold to mud,

So Many Questions Left Unanswered!

There are so many questions,
that spin through my mind,
all of which unanswered,
like why you treat me in such an awful way?

You Call Yourself A Mum? ?

My mind has been on you today,
and everything you've done,
like how you had the nerve to write,
'Happy Birthday love from mum'

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