Emmanuel Arunee Mwanza Poems

Hit Title Date Added
That One Night

That one night…
I am not so sure anymore since that last night
It really felt so real and yet somehow I feel like, that night should not have existed
Indeed that one night I could see myself living happily thereafter

In Search Of Love

In search of love
I just can't sleep

Day and night am on the move

Strangest Thought

The strangest thought
That ever makes me strange
And to my own body a stranger

The Breeze

As children they jumped up and down
As children they danced
As children they could be by the grass playing
Many around, so they had each other’s eyes, staring

He Said She Was Fine

He said she was fine,
But I knew it was just a line.

He said he loved her,

Here I Am

Here I am standing next to you
My legs tremble,
My hands shaky
My mouth so murm


Slowly one by one, am losing them
Soon, there won’t even be any left for chewing

Quickly, seasons are fading away

It Is You Not Her

So bright is your smile
Blank, so go my thoughts for a while
No need to question why
Your amazing look does this

I Am...A Struggle

I am encouraged to encourage
I am motivated to motivate
I am educated to educate
I am lifted to lift

I Believe

I believe
I live

I believe

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