Enoch O. Akanji Poems

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Prayer For Protection And Safety

• I thank You, Lord God, for Your provision and protection over me,
He who watches over me will not sleep. You are gracious in mercy,

Prayer Against Depression

• I thank You, Lord God, for Your past healing and preservation
over me. I commit my spirit, soul, and body unto You, my Father.

Prayer Against The Spirit Of Indebtedness

I will not be in debt again, in the name of Jesus.
Cancel all my debts, O Lord. I don’t want to be a slave to the lender, in

Prayer For Money Management

• Bless me with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on how to
spend and manage my money, in the name of Jesus.

Praising God With The World Finest Musical Instruments

Praise the Lord God Almighty, Hallelujah
Praise Him on Mount Zion; He is the King of all kings
Praise Him in heaven, and in the heavens of heavens.
Praise Him for His acts of power; Praise Him for the magnificent wisdom. Praise Him for His wonders, working power and surpassing greatness.

Yahweh The Name Of The Lord.

The name of the Lord is Yahweh and I will call Him Yahweh, the sweetest name I know.
The name Yahweh is the greatest and its greater than any other name, my God's name is Yahweh, call Him Yahweh. The name Yahweh is a unique name for our God and this name is second to none, I love to call His name; Yahweh a good name. Your name is Yahweh and its Yahweh from the beginning to the end and from the end back to the beginning.

Yahweh the name that will not depart from my heart; the name of the Lord God Almighty, His name is Yahweh. And I will call Him Yahweh for the name sounds beautiful in my ears, the name Yahweh is all over my mouth. The name that I call and it puts honey in my tongue and my mouth is full of honey because of the name Yahweh. His name travels fast from my heart to my mouth and I will shout His name aloud, Yahweh the true name of God.

Prayer To Pray

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may
bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my
name, and I will do it.

Prayer For A Good Husband Or Wife

Your word says that “he that finds a wife finds a good thing and
obtains favor from the Lord.”

Prayer For Children

Almighty God, our children are Your heritage, and the fruit of the womb
is Your reward. You created all our children for signs and wonders;

Prayer Against Waywardness And Youthful Exuberance

My child, you are created for signs and wonders.
You will be a sign and

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