Eric Cockrell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Shadow Inside My Shadow

poverty is not my cousin,
is not my lover,
is not my preacher,
poverty is not my brother.

In Every Dawn

there is a moment just before darkness,
when every sound is amplified.
when the senses come alive,
and smell and taste take bodies.

16 Penny Nails!

strong harsh words,
16 penny nails driven
by a big hammer....

2012, Ending, Or Beginning!

the curtain is drawn,
the memories of another year,
a year of hardship and need,

For Government To Be Fair!

for any government to be fair,
every citizen has to be
just as important as every other.
every citizen has to have equal rights,

I Dont Write Poetry!

i dont write poetry...
i sweat poetry, i drink poetry,
i breathe poetry, i make love to poetry,
i fight poetry, i eat poetry,


racism is the rich man's lash
on the poor man's back!

yea, it's hard down in the projects.

Sound Of The Beating Heart!

we spend lifetimes searching
for the sound the leaf makes
turning from green to orange to red...
we spend our loving burning branches

Civil Disobedience

civil disobedience...
daring acts of courage?
peaceful rebellion.

Dont Cry For Me, Jesus

dont cry for me, Jesus,
it should be me crying for you.
when those that invoke your name,
do so on the field of battle;

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