Ernestine Northover Poems

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A Foolproof Strategy

What powerful things, are an eagle's wings,
As he soars high on currents of air.
So graceful in flight, when seen at great height,
Oh! How you wish you could be there.

Carpet Of Blue

Looking out from the headland
across a blue carpet of sea,
I observe a huge scene at firsthand
so real, that it fascinates me.


Honeysuckle cascading along the garden wall,
Bees hum, and insects everywhere abound,
The cuckoo sends us all his two-note call,
So many voices in one glorious sound.

Let There Be.........

Peace in our hearts,
Balance in our minds,
Harmony in our lives,
Love in our time,

Resurrection - The Easter Story

They slept, who should have guarded,
And watched over his tomb,
But he 'rose up' and none did see
His rebirth from this womb,

A Star!

A star shone out so very bright,
Not just a little, simple one,
But one so special in our sight,
A new life had begun.

A Wisp Of Mist

Was that a wisp of mist I saw, swirling across the lawn,
Drifting through the shrubbery, this early November’s dawn.
Frost had gathered on the grass, making it all crisp and white,
And so a chilly day has shown a vision of delight.

Complete Happiness

Greet the bright dawn with joy,
Raise your spirit to the light,
Then your smile you must employ,
Swiftly expelling the gloomy night.

Strange Extremes

I end up dreaming every night,
Of such mixed up funny views,
They're all in vivid colours bright,
I never know what I'll peruse.

December Days

A foggy day, the dampness clings,
The cold seeps in to abuse the bones.
A soggy day, a rain’s shower rings
With music filled with many tones.

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