Ernestine Northover Poems

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Such Unspoken Awe

On the shore our footprints are engulfed by the rippling tide,
Their marks defined, then visible no more.
Nothing at all to show that we have ever passed this way,
Along a lonely shale strewn windy shore.

Gentle Winds

Green fields edged with hedgerows,
Wild flowers enticing the bees,
Yellow buttercups and daisies,
Undulate in the evening breeze.

* Mirror

Poem by my Great Niece - Kitty Cotton aged 12 years.

I was on the beach the other day,
and I found a mirror.

Feel A Smile Begin

As laughter bubbled in my throat,
a smile began to form.
My chuckle was an anecdote,
and eased the inner storm.

Our Pot Of Gold

Lord, when you look down and view your earth,
Does seeing it, bring you tears or mirth.
Do you always guide us from our birth,
Are our lives to you, of any worth.

A Promise

She watched the flames as they flickered up the coals,
and felt the warmth emanate from them.

Not a real fire, of course,

Take My Advice

If your day, doesn’t go your way,
try not to sigh, but go apply
a cheerful grin,
stick out that chin,

Keep The Gravity

We should value the fact that our precious earth,
is spinning around for all it is worth.
And because it is, we must not scoff,
for if it stopped whirling, we’d all fall off,

In Profusion

In bloom, the Rose of Sharon, with its honey yellow hue,
Along with the graceful Jasmine, Clematis and Lilac too.
Followed by the Buddleia, that the butterflies so love,
Sedum, Quince and Penstemon, and the tall Foxglove.

Sombre Days

Life can hit you right between the eyes,
Knocking you back, so you must start again,
From the beginning one must bravely rise,
And try to see the sunshine through the rain.

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