Evelyn Mokoroane

Evelyn Mokoroane Poems

I buried all.
I buried all, or at least I tried to,
I thought if I did everything to stay away from it
It would do the same to me

Happy we are, or at least were;
Now I can't seem to even know where I stand with you;
Its like her presence has blurred my position in your heart.
I lived to make you happy

Oh naughty boy where did you come from.
A good girl I was, now you presence formed me;
You transformed me to something so far from who I was.
I don't know who I am any more.

Ke kopakopane; ke hloka tharollo;
Empa nthate ketla rarabolleha;
Ehh ke bile lekgoba la dikgupiso ebile kenale mabadi a bopaki;
Empa se nqhelele ka thoko bakeng seo.

The Best Poem Of Evelyn Mokoroane

I Buried All

I buried all.
I buried all, or at least I tried to,
I thought if I did everything to stay away from it
It would do the same to me
But its only now that I realize how wrong I was
I hid everything that reminded me of it,
I chopped off the tree but forgot that the roots of this oak that had sheltered in me
for decades had become more strong,
A legend it had became within me,
A ruler it grew to be of my heart
It screamed and scratched the shell of my core Rawley,
It Cries of nothing but freedom,
It longs to be freed and be spoken so highly of.
It commands me who made prisoner of it to let it be.
Instead I chose to do nothing...
Because its by ignorance that I've managed to distance myself from it's loudness,
Ignorance gave me the ability to be deaf,
Oh yeah! Happy was I,
I who managed to silence this monstrous voice within me,
An over achiever I I thought I was,
But its only now that I come to realize that I was wrong,
That, it is me and I am it,
It lives within me and I live through it.
Its only now that I learn how I shall forever remain one with pen and paper
For writing is not what I do, but who I am instead.
When I get away from writing, I distance myself from myself
For it is the only voice I behold
and I shall uphold this voice of mine for the universe to read
And to learn my views through these words that I put so firmly together.
I shall remain quite within those who speak very loudly in crowds,
Yet my words will become the loudest to those who resent loudness

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