Evelyn Waters

Evelyn Waters Poems

There was this girl
And she dreamed of death every night
So much
That she got confused between dreams and nightmares

Evelyn Waters Biography

I find that writing is better than talking.)

The Best Poem Of Evelyn Waters

A Girl

There was this girl
And she dreamed of death every night
So much
That she got confused between dreams and nightmares
And when she'd wake she'd drag herself through the day
With no intention of living
And when she'd get home
She'd pick up that razor of hers
And draw out her feelings
On her wrist
In the frightening colour of scarlet red
But on one of those nights
She lay awake at 2am
Crying her eyes out
And decided that this was the night
That she would do it
So she took pen to paper
Writing 3 septate notes
One for her parents
One for her best friend
And one for that boy she loved
Explaining everything
Then she grabbed the rope
And found a chair
She tied a knot
And stood on the chair
Carefully wrapped the rope around the hook in the celling
Whispered “I'm sorry”
And jumped.

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