Ezio Olubelleau

Ezio Olubelleau Poems

A boy of twelve, impaled himself,
He said to his fellow, "Life's a scam."
The elders delve, "Free thyself, "
His parents slow, "This's, a jam.."

Old but prime,
Weak yet strong,
A tune with which time rhyme,
Where the hearts be-long.

Slay and fall,
Wound and bawl,
Bleed and fade,
Slash and wail.

Who art thou?
Why doth thy wrath wreck havoc,
‘Pon this humble hamlet's door?
Sage father.

A lone child smokes a-group.
A dancer sets the world aflame.
And my demon left me.

Time, a chance for more
A spade with which one may spear
That perches, tortures one soul to its core
When it all ends, Thursday had long disappeared

Sets the voice,
As is the city claim,
And its town-folks; rejoice.

Ezio Olubelleau Biography

Ezekiel Olasehinde by the pseudo name Ezio Olubelleau, a versed poet, known for his captivating and thought-provoking verses that resonate with readers on a deep emotional level, oftentimes writing based on contrasting items, critics of powers that be and a big advocate of peace as he tries to communicate it indirectly through his poetry. Born 1996 in Lagos, Ezekiel discovered their passion for writing at an early age, by un-bottling many of his inner thoughts. Throughout his years of writing poems he had explored various form of poetry and styles and studied work of esteemed poets from various era, of all he favorite " The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. He draws inspiration from natures and human experiences and comunicates it through metaphors.)

The Best Poem Of Ezio Olubelleau

A Tale Of Twelve

A boy of twelve, impaled himself,
He said to his fellow, "Life's a scam."
The elders delve, "Free thyself, "
His parents slow, "This's, a jam.."

When the government came,
They gave the mom a glass of brew.
The governor cared for the dame,
And when she gulp, her throat glued.

The dad went atop a roof,
He told the senates, "Free my wife."
The elders delve, "Show thyproof, "
The government slow, "This's a strive."

The king ordered twelve guards,
To cage his mind and burn his barn.
When the town elders piece the shards,
The king was god, too late to darn.

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