Faith Cecelia Story

Faith Cecelia Story Poems

A man of Freedom, Democracy and Hope.
His inner core made of steel for his beloved Africa
His dignity preserved until the very end


I Smile because i know how to solve Problems;
Am silent because i know how to avoid Problems
So tell me the truth and make me cry other then


There comes a time when we are born
There comes a time when we learn to cry, smile, laugh, seat, crawl, stand on our two feet and walk
There comes a time when we must obey and disobey
There comes a time when we leave our parents

It Kills me not to love you freely but it also kills me to know,
your love for me isn't pure.
What must i do,
Move on with the pain of love until it fades or continue with the Pain of knowing you can't even think of me one second!

She floats like a dark radiant mist
Softly released whispers
Coming from your lips
You have awakened my dormant nerves

I could feel his magnetic, fit, bare chest rubbing against my breasts. His facial structure was heart-shaped with a wide forehead and a pointed chin and square jaw-line that could chisel granite.
His eyes were a “window into my soul”, like a baby animal; plain, salt-of-the-earth honesty with a chocolate-brown depth and rich hazel light flecked with piercing cat-like emerald green.
His lean and athletic body stole my trusting body in sin
He was conscious of the burn on his chest, but I loved touching his velvet skin regardless. Men don’t understand that their imperfections make them unique. Never will I say another has given me the joy he did.

There is nothing you will try to hold on to.
If you realise that all things change,
Liberation is freedom from the need to do those things influenced by attachment, Let go a little, you will have little of peace, let go completely, you will have eternal peace.
I have leant to only satisfy my desire

I am small i can barely be seen
How can this great love be inside me
Both light and shadow are the dance of love
Although i may try to describe love

Joy, filled like an Orchard in our Hearts,
Unlocking the forbidden fruit,
Yielding all the wild roses
My oh my


Even if the route to your heart has thorns to prick ma feet
I will still walk till i reach
Even if my cries create a river coz I need you
I will still cry for you

My sword shall not sleep in my hand
Through thick or thin
I shall stand alone
Bring me my arrows of desire,

Am nothing special
But am madly in Love.
All I long for is him
Yet am stack like a reject

A Sweet night with you is worthy of a horrible Death!
You are the Eden of my soul
I Love You to the END OF THE WORLD!

Hiding behind the dark storm,
Hoping to show no feelings,
Sometimes she puts NO makeup,
Feeling the bareness of her skin.

The Pain of love,
Is deeper than River Nile;
Much intense, than a
Loud bang

It feels like stabbing wound in my heart
Thinking of you next to her
Doing the unthinkable
All I want to do;


The baby's conceived,
On this unwanted world
Without being planned.
A night of passion,

Reading your poems.
They are beautiful, sad, sweet
But most of all,
They feel true to my heart.

Watching me drown beneath the sea,
As the stars fade away,
Falling backwards, flat out on my back.
As the darkness approach

Oh Uganda, the peal of Africa.
It’s we the children’s dream,
To make our nation Mighty.
The green forests are pretty,

Faith Cecelia Story Biography

Faith Cecelia was born in Arua, Uganda, lived in London for 15 years and is a British citizen. An international sprinter for the junior Ugandan team, Faith is now a personal fitness trainer. Faith is mother to three children, Jayden, Miles and Prudence. As a believer in holistic wellbeing, Faith expresses her emotional side through poetry. Her poetry is a means to make sense of events in her private life and the wider world. Four years ago, faith moved back to the continent she knows and loves best " Africa" . Although she didn't move back to East Africa In Uganda, Lusaka, Zambia was just as good as home! It was never a dull moment when leaving in Zambia. Faith now lives in Lagos, Victoria Island in Nigeria with her family.)

The Best Poem Of Faith Cecelia Story

Nelson Mandela

A man of Freedom, Democracy and Hope.
His inner core made of steel for his beloved Africa
His dignity preserved until the very end
The world speaks of him with honour
His truth lives inside his beloved family
His nation stands as one in remembrance
Of his legacy

I am not bound to win,
But I am bound to be true.
I am not bound to succeed
But I am bound to fight for change
For which I am prepared to die

For Freedom
Against Discrimination
For Human rights
Against Racism
For Peace
Against Poverty
For Reconciliation
Against Revenge
For Hope
Against Fear

Today, there is no beauty in sadness
No honour in suffering
No growth in fear
No relief in hate
We celebrate Madiba
Father of Africa

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