Florida Angel Poems

Hit Title Date Added
At The Center Free To Flame

At The Center of A Flame
Powerfully bright, somehow into shame
for its little touch of blue burning in the middle alive
Living into sounds of Poem and romance.

Happy Go Seeking

The magic moment arrive without notice left behind
No clue to have as lost in “fantasies” of one day to be maybe
Friends to have & feel in reality beyond dreams of that mind & heart,
Early in life not tragic but MAGIC, strong love found to care and have a career to be.

Built Upon

Gold is my metal, Diamond the stone
Truth my delight, God inspiration
Faith my togetherness, Money a good friend
Love a pleasure, Pleasure to please

Wake Up To Life!

And Again and Again they say, The hardest
to love are the ones who need it the most
Again and Again they say, we must love, Give, share, receive
and most of all forget and forgive,

Lips Into A Kiss

He is going to kiss you! - The eyes in a hurry tell the lips
Oh My... - The lips afraid, not knowing what to do, whispers
The heart beating faster and faster, heating all the skin
Mmmmmmmmm......- Heart and eyes into the sound melted.

Would You Please Sign Here? Yes, On My Heart!

A knowledgeable cyber friend has told me
That we shall forever last, in the cyberspace.

So I try, and test myself,

The Mask

On Surprise he was caught,
Even though he knew she was coming,
His mask he forgot, as his heart he revealed.

Its Never Late To Show Appreciation

As a New Bike Rider
A dreamer or a newborn
What seek and see
is future Destination.

Sweet Addiction Of Ours

A Poet craves for Love,
For Chocolates I crave
Sweet Addiction of ours.

I'Ve Lived It...

I've closed my eyes,
And right there back into your eyes,
I was seeing myself, so beautiful and happy,
In Love with you, for you, with me, for me, with us,

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