Francis Duggan Poems

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In Tower Hill Cemetery

All day and night the cars pass up and down
Between Warrnambool City and old Port Fairy Town
In the Moyne Shire on the Princes Highway
By the cemetery where the dead at Tower Hill lay

Tower Hill Cemetery

All day and night the cars pass up and down
Between Warrnambool City and old Port Fairy Town
In the Moyne Shire on the Princes Highway
By the cemetery where the dead at Tower Hill lay

When Time Seems To Stand Still

On my many flights of fancy i go back many a Spring
The bells of old St Davids in my memory they ring
Above the coastal potato fields in the prime of the May
When i visualize in fancy i can hear them ring today

As For Those Who Worry

So many do worry of things way beyond their control
And of the mind and body health this takes a heavy toll
Those who are prone to worry their worries seem to grow
Which is not good for their constitution and of health problems of they do know

The Sweet Sound Of Laughter

To it there is always a joyous ring
The sweet sound of laughter is a beautiful thing
Laugh and the whole World does laugh with you
Words of the wise that remain ever true

Life Is The Greatest Gift

The millions out there with your talents you may impress
But what has made you wealthy and famous is not the greatest gift that you possess
A gift that is far greater than wealth and fame
That every living person has and life is it's name

Young Zino

Young Zino is a cocky sort his ego quite inflated
A know it all in his own mind as well as opinionated
He believes he is god's gift to women though his latest girlfriend Rina sent him packing
She found him overbearing and in humility sadly lacking

Though History Sees It In A Different Way

We hear and read of the savagery of the lion and the shark
Yet men crucified Jesus and burnt to death Joan of Arc
But carnivore predators to survive do need lots of meat
And us humans to them are just something to eat,

On Blow Flies

The dead animal or bird that is left unburied serves Nature in a useful way
New life forms are born on them blow fly maggots thrive on flesh decay
They grow to the blow flies of the future life born on the dead every day
And blow flies serve their purpose in Nature despite what many think or say

So Many Women I Know

So many women I know are quite wise
Of the wisdom of the fair sex I have come to realize
If women ruled the World it does seem to me
There would be far less wars and more of harmony

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