Francis Duggan Poems

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Whenever of far away places i dream
The wild cry of the moorhen i hear in the stream
With a babbling tongue that is never still
That flows to the river down the fields by the hill

My Rhymes Are Old Fashioned

My rhymes are old fashioned and a little rough
And to be seen as a good writer not quite good enough
This is something you may have heard me say before
Though i am one of those whose has penned rhymes by the score

My Rhymes Are Old Fashioned And A Little Rough

My rhymes are old fashioned and a little rough
And to be seen as a good writer not quite good enough
This is something you may have heard me say before
Though i am one of those whose has penned rhymes by the score

The Silent One

The day was not sunny though the weather was fine
He sat on his mobile chair on the pier fishing with rod and line
When i said hello to him he did not reply
That he choose to ignore me i did wonder why

A Good Day For Me

Though of cares i am one who is not always free
Everyday i do live is a good day for me
Of the praises of life i feel happy to sing
As a gift to humanity there is no greater thing

Gillian Gilbourne

Blond, tall slim and elegant beauty in her does glow
As a woman of fashion her reputation does grow
In Ireland she has won first prize at many a race meeting and show
In Irish fashion circles the woman everyone does seem to know

Anyone Can Rhyme

I've been penning stuff since I was in my life's prime
For some thirty five years that is going back in time
An addiction to writing is never a crime
But few can write poetry anyone can rhyme

As People As Such

As people as such they may not be so great
The so called living legends that we help to create
Biographies of them have become many a best selling book
Yet the unsung heroes we tend to overlook

The Literary Experts Say

The literary experts say poetry is for the educated
And as for rhyme well that is doggerel
And they ought to know for they are the literary critics
And for their book reviews they do get paid quite well.

I Can Only Be

I can only be a migrant from Duhallow
Even as the crow fly from here far away
Back there now wildflowers blooming in the old fields
And hawthorns wear their white blossoms of the May.

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