Francis Duggan Poems

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Some Do Worry About Dying

Some do worry about dying and where they will live their final day
Like the aged fox to die who seeks his distant den
They would like their remains buried in their Hometown far away
Though they won't have any need for to worry then.

The One With Heaps Of Money

The one with heaps of money his or her friends in numbers grow
And the pauper is the person only the kind of heart wishes to know
And money speaks more of one than words can ever do
And if you are short of money I can only pity you,

You Can Only Learn From Yesterday

You can only learn from yesterday for yesterday has gone
And tomorrow is another day and time is ticking on
The past forever in the past the future is ahead
We can only live in the now as the wise one once said

Many Will Say Of Corvids

Many will say of corvids a crow is just a crow
But of the different species of that family so little most do know
One family of birds I speak of here that's to be found Worldwide
And in the harshest of climates they happily reside

In The Far Away Town

The cold northern winds blowing and the rain bucketing down
And the storm-water drains overflowing in the far away town
On the dimly lit main street on a wet Autumn night
Few cars or trucks pass up and down and not a person in sight

In Millstreet Only One Cormac Dineen

He was a man we used to celebrate
A Millstreet and a Cork footballing great
A fearless fellow in his younger years
His passing would have been a source for tears.

The One Who Daydreamed Of Success And Renown

From humble beginnings he knew of great success
Became wealthy and famous and lived at a fashionable address
The one who daydreamed of success and renown
Became one of the wealthiest men in the town

The Sedentary Kind

I envy those happy in their old home-place
Where his or her's is a well loved and respected face
Well known in their community and greatly admired
So many to better things they have inspired,

In Your Climb To Your Dreams

In your climb to your dreams of wealth and renown
As long as you never do drag others down
Or exploit Nature for self gain in any big way
Then may you achieve your ambitions is all I can say.

In The Mind Of A Woman

In the mind of a woman a mother you'll find
For women are loving and caring and kind
The mothering instincts to women belong
Than men less aggressive and more mentally strong,

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