Francis Duggan Poems

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Surely A Lie

She was the young woman with wavy golden hair
Than her in the town there was none quite so fair
He did love her then and he loves her today
Though time it has stolen some of her beauty away

Thoughmany May See It

Though many may see it as a great waste of time
What else could i do if i could not pen rhyme
When i do have free time my hobby to pursue
Perhaps this is what i was born into life for to do

In Writers Drought

There are times when most writers are in writers drought
When they cannot think of anything to write about
Their inspirational well has temporarily dried out
That in the writer can give rise to low self esteem and self doubt

Their Own Dreams To Pursue

Though for some their own ambition in life never come true
Everybody does have their own dreams to pursue
In life for one to win big many do have to lose
Though losing is a thing anyone does not choose

Hate Is A Human Feeling

Hate is a human feeling that is way beyond me to explain
Only know it does destroy love in the brain
And has led many people to hate crimes of shame
For the worst acts of evil hatred is to blame

Old Memories Are All

Old memories are all we do have to retain
Perhaps i will never see Clara again
And hear the birds sing in a Spring sundown
In the leafy groves just west of Millstreet Town

Their National Flag

The allegiances of billions of people Worldwide are bound to their National flag
It is the flag their ancestors fought for and of it's importance to them they do brag
The flag that means so much to them and that they wave with pride
That so many young heroes fought for and died

Of This Rhyming Addiction

Of this rhyming addiction i may never be free
It was my love of rhyme made a rhymer of me
I used to love reading rhymes when i was a boy
And writing them nowadays is a thing i enjoy

Les Murray

Les Murray was a literary figure of note
One who lived and died as a renowned Australian poet
The winner of many a prestigious literary prize
From humble beginnings up the literary ranks he did rise

Old John Used To Remember

Old John used to remember his eyes dimmed with tears
Of the far away town and the long gone years
A town he had not seen for seen for a six decade time span
Until last year he returned to where his life's journey began

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