Francis Duggan Poems

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The Fact Of The Matter

For you and me and everyone a last sunrise
As we are born as mortals this much we realize
And all mortals are born eventually for to die
For the cow and the sheep the same for you and i

Yesterday's Stranger

People are as you find them as the wise one does say
And yesterday's stranger may be your friend today
Far out in the countryside your car has broken down
A passing stranger came to your assistance and drove you into town

The Promotion Of Fear

In a political or a religious run State not that much difference it would appear
As they both base their power on the medium of fear
Keeping people fearful assures them of staying in command
The reason for this not hard to understand

Birds I See Every Day

Magpies and red wattlebirds i often see
As well as magpie larks also known as pee wee
The introduced goldfinches, blackbirds, starlings and sparrows are familiar to me
As creatures of Nature they live wild and free

People Are As You Find Them

People are as you find them as the wise one does say
And yesterday's stranger may be your friend today
Far out in the country your car has broken down
A passing stranger came to your assistance and drove you into town

Every Good Living Human Being

Though their names will never appear on a memorial wall
Every good living human being is special and if not so none at all
Those who promote some people as special and great
Worldwide so many big egos inflate

Everyday For Success In Life

Everyday for success in life people with each other compete
And contented people i do not often meet
In a World where so many strive for financial and material success
Failure to succeed can lead to unhappiness

Young Migrants From Ireland

Young migrants from Ireland have never been rare
Many of them travelled on the ferries from Dunlaoghaire and Rosslare
To Holyhead and Fishguard on their journey to elsewhere
In their search of adventure in the big World out there

Bellbirds Of Birdsland

Above the high wood at South Belgrave the dawn is breaking gray
Where the little green bellbirds do greet the new day
Like tiny bells ringing so pleasant to hear
They can be heard in Birdsland every day of the year

As The Wise One Does Say

Though in fancy the past you do visit again
Memories of what was are all that we have to retain
But the now is all that does matter as the wise one does say
And at the stroke of midnight the past will be today

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