Francis Duggan Poems

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Familiar birds in Illowa them I often hear and see
Introduced in Australia where they live wild and free
In south western Victoria they are seen every day
Goldfinches are beautiful birds to look at of them one can say


On the roadway all day long they drive their cars fast to and fro
Always seeming in a hurry one wonders why so
They drive their cars and trucks so fast to and from the town
Not even the speed limit signs slows some of them down

Past Goes With Me

Wherever I go to my past goes with me
I often remember the what used to be
Of where I lived when far younger far north of this place
Where to many today mine would be a stranger's face

The Creators Of Big Egos

The Worldwide media and web so many big egos create
They build up wealthy celebrities into something great
Suppose stories newspapers and magazines of them does sell
And publishers of them does financially well

Happy One

Since she or he does possess the bright inner glow
The one who is happy others of wish to know
Laughter can be an infectious thing
Since a flutter of joy to others it does bring

God Within

Your god in the sky may not make you a better person the one you pray to for forgiveness for sin
Compassion and kindness your god cannot give you since these only come from within
Religion will not make you a better person you cannot have empathy if you do not have your god of the mind
If you do not have the inner god you cannot be generous and kind

If You Feel That Some People

If you feel that some people are not equal to you
Then to your higher self you are not being true
Of how egotistical you are this only goes to show
You are one bereft of the bright inner glow

Love Is Not All Sunshine And Roses

Love is not all sunshine and roses as some like to say
The father of her baby daughter is not with her today
He left her in the lurch when his wild oats he had sown
And the child he helped to create she must raise on her own

As If To Humans Alone

People kill foxes because their fowl they does eat
But humans as well enjoy eating fowl meat
But most people will tell you that this is not wrong
As if to humans alone the right to eat other life forms belong

Pants Slipping Down

Far from the big city there is a country town
That is known by the nickname of Pants Slipping Down
An apt nickname one might say that is known far and wide
Since the majority of the males who live there have a skinny backside

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