Francis Duggan Poems

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Jill And Ed

My dog Ed does not judge me Jill Langley does say
Far more loyal and less judgmental than my exhusband Ken to me was in every way
He is with his far younger woman today
And I feel better off without him in truth I can say

Ask One

Since I am one without a literary degree
Who is or is not a good writer ask one other than me
On who is or is not a good writer literary critics do have their say
And for their literary opinions receive a good pay

The Boys And Girls I Grew Up With

It was innocent games with them I did play
The boys and girls I grew up with where are they today
I often do wonder where they might be
Many years have passed since them I did see

Time Is

Time it is true becomes everyone's foe
The town's greatest athlete fifty years ago
His fastest speed only a slow walk today
He has lived his best years of him one can say

Without Harming Anyone

If you can go through life without harming anyone
Your mum and your dad in you raised a good daughter or son
Live and let live to everyone does apply
Though some of a fair go others choose to deny

Some Men Do Have All The Luck

An ageing male with a pretty young blond partner or wife
Some men they do have all the luck in life
He is not tall or handsome in any way
And he wears a brown hairpiece to hide his baldness and gray

You Are Judged By

You are judged by your religion your culture your nationality and your race
You are judged by the wrinkles you have on your face
You are judged by skin colour whether it be black, white or brown
This is what happens when you are living for you on the wrong side of the town

You Must Be Egotistical

Many who thought they were indispensablein cemeteries lay
And life it does go on without them today
If you think you are irreplaceable you have it all wrong
Humanity without you will surely get along

We Learn About Nature

We learn about Nature something new every day
And of her so much to learn only true for to say
And the more we learn of her the more we realize
That of her we know little this not a surprise

Many Migrants

Many migrants are people who did not choose to stay
In the town or the place where they first saw light of day
Many of them choose to travel to places elsewhere
For to experience life in the big World out there

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