Francis Duggan Poems

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The Time Of Year

The sun behind gray clouds is hidden away
But this not unusual for the end of the southern May
Big winds and heavy hail showers on the last days of the Fall
The rain is quite welcome by most if not all

A Success Story

He does know the feeling of financial stress
As one of the people of no fixed address
In prison for narcotic usage he knows of homelessness
For him a long hard road back to happiness

Not Everything

When you achieve what you set out to achieve you may come to realize
What a deceased friend once told me one then ageing and wise
That the dream of achieving often outlives the thrill of success
As succeeding does not guarantee one of happiness

I Leave It To Others

In a Human World where many crave wealth, success and fame
I for one criticism and praise does treat as the same
Wealth and fame are things i no longer pursue
To my higher self i try to live as true

In Their Ways So Small

Many famous and wealthy celebrities in their ways so small
They are not in any way near to nice people at all
Praise has gone to their heads of them one can say
Far too many of their sort in the Human World of today

Big Joko

Big Joko is tall, barrel chested and physically strong
But he will not harm you if you do not do him wrong
One never found to be wanting when put to the test
And anyone who has challenged him has come out second best

More People Like You

In life you can only be the best you can be
And be kind and generous and live honestly
And in word or deed never drag anyone down
And leave it to others to become the great successes of the town

Monsignor Donal Mulcahy

Born a Mulcahy as a son to Lil And Dan
He left Annagloor as a young man
Ordained as a Catholic priest he lived for many years in Los Angeles in the U S of A
From Millstreet in distance very far away

Than Your Dog

One who will love you unconditionally untilher or his life will end
Than your dog you do not have a truer friend
A walk every day a few kind words and a good feed
For a lifetime of devotion is all your dog of you does need

Summer In Duhallow

June in Duhallow a nice time of year
Where the song of the cuckoo one often does hear
The migratory nest parasite who arrives in May
Can be heard singing cuckoo in June every day

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