Francis Duggan Poems

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Have We The Right

Have we the right for to judge other people as many do in their negative way
Those who do live without harming others as people they should be seen as okay
Big Brother has far too many disciples and sad to think that their type are not rare
In their sick minds with those they do see as inferior themselves they always do like to compare

The Loves Of Rosita

About her ex husband Rosita don't have any good things to say
The day that they parted forever for her was her happiest day
His first name she told me but I've forgotten it's something
that sounded like 'rig'

Return Of The Redwings

O'er hills and fields and moonlit rural town
The redwings in their thousands journey down
From cold northlands to southern places bound
Again they fly back to their wintering ground

The Street Girls Of St Kilda

By day they do not venture out they hide from the sunlight
The street girls of St Kilda those ladies of the night
They spend most of their night takings on heroin and cocaine
And shortly after nightfall they are on the streets again.

We Act As If We Are Important

We act as if we are important though in time's image we are quite small
Just a branch of the Goddess of Nature and she is the greatest of all
The reaper treats all of us as equals and whether our bones rot or burn
We came from the Goddess of Nature and to her we all must return.

Those Grand Old Balladeers

Whatever happened to them those grand old balladeers
Are they lost and gone forever like the long forgotten years
The times are ever changing suppose they had their day
And will we see their likes again perhaps we never may?

The Singing Lady

The singing lady walks the streets at morning and she's always singing as she walks along
Old songs that she remembers from her childhood or a verse or two of a long forgotten song
You always hear her sing old songs and ballads that songsters used to sing long years ago
And every time she's singing something different the words of hundreds of old songs she know.

Cricket Is Just Another Game

Cricket just like baseball and football and golf is just another game
And though some great cricket players have won Worldwide fame
Cricket for most cricket fans like followers of all other sports
From their life cares is just an escape of sorts

Gay Pigs

Homosexuality amongst humans is quite common knowledge though i have seen pigs who are gay
To them the unnatural is natural they do things in the strangest way
And what they do one can imagine it should not be that hard to visualize
And unlike us pigs are not secretive and their sexual preferences they do not disguise.

Billy Of One Hand

His left hand severed just below the elbow
And the nickname for him 'Billy of one hand'
And he still feels quite angry with his father
And why this should be not hard to understand.

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