Francis Duggan Poems

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His Advice Of The Day

A casual acquaintance of mine the other day
In unsolicited for advice to me did say
Since for it you never receive any pay
Perhaps you ought to consider giving rhyming away

Today Is What Matters

The past just a memory since the past it has gone
Today is what matters and life does go on
We learn as we live as the wise one does say
And at the stroke of midnight the past will be today

How Come We Cannot Be

How come we cannot be kinder to our black brothers and sisters since they are our equals in every way
The soul in a good person is always a good soul despite what the negative racists does say
Equality to it does not have a colour it is something you know of but never can see
The town's poorest person is not equal to the town wealthiest though in a fair Human World this is not how it would be

Is This The Type Of Person

Is this the type of person you wish your son to be
A person who is responsible for creating many a refugee
Another tainted leader who abuses his power
So many have to suffer for his most glorious hour.

What Is The Point In Worrying

What is the point in worrying it doesn't get you anywhere
It only maginifies your problems and burdens you with care
The more you seem to worry the more your worries grow
The carefree are the happy souls since happiness they know.

When I Was A Very Young Fellow

When i was a very young fellow in weather wet and dry
Willie Neenan ran on the tar roads beneath the starry sky
I hear he is still running he was a great athlete
Way back there in his glory days he was the one to beat.

In Penshurst In Victoria

In Penshurst in Victoria cash or grain crops farmers don't grow
And to the stony Countryside the Seasons come and go
And old Mt Rouse the volcanic hill stand on the higher ground
Overlooking the flat brown landscape for miles and miles around.

I Am A Lucky Fellow

I am a lucky fellow to have lived another day
Since better and younger than me with the departed lay
They have not been so lucky the reaper took them young
And little use to them now if their praises are sung,

Let All Bygones Be Bygone

There is a saying a lovely saying let all bygones be bygone
For acts of revenge leads to counter revenge and ill feeling lives on
Where hate and mistrust is rife sanity cannot prevail
Revenge and counter revenge only leads to crime and jail.

He Is Going Back To Sandy Point

He is going back to Sandy Point the Village by the sea
The wide and flat brown Countryside is not for such as he
He needs to ride the huge surf waves that roll into the shore
And feel and smell the ocean spray and hear the breakers roar.

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