Francis Duggan Poems

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Like A Beautiful Pink Camellia

Like a beautiful pink camellia that's how you appear to me
That bloom in chilly August on it's dark green mother tree
So bright and fresh and pretty in the wintery wind and rain
That's how you've always looked to me and that's how you will remain.

I Have Lived Through Many A Season

I have lived through many a Season since i left west of Millstreet Town
On a cold evening in early December with the wintery rain drizzling down
Way back in the mid nineteen eighties i do feel much older today
Time leaves everyone looking older and this is only true to say

The Dog Woman

Known as The Dog Woman she aged in the graceful way
She never used hair dye to hide her wrinkles or hair dye to cloak her gray
Her husband long deceased their only offspring their daughter a grandmother with her husband in the U S of A
One she had not seen for many a day

On Searching For The Meaning Of Life

You may be highly educated with college and university degrees
But searching for the meaning of life is like searching for money on the bushes and the trees
Or a poor mangy dog who is never at ease
And goes without sleep as it scratches for fleas

For The Clinically Depressed

From their bouts of melancholia medication only a temporary release
People with clinical depression are on the increase
In the twenty first century of the internet and the Iphone
Many with clinical depression face life's challenges alone

Belong To The Land

Those who tell you they own the land have got it all wrong
For how can we own to what we do belong
To the land that does feed us we return to one day
But the land does remain life works in this way

Why Do We Define

Why do we define people by their material or financial success
By their so called social standing or their postal address
By the size of their home, swimming pool and car
These things tell us nothing of the person you truly are

There Are Only A Few

Of successful writers there are only a few
And this is not saying anything that is new
And so many from writing who never know of wealth and fame
Though rather good writers so few know of them by name

Pink Eared Ducks

In flat coastal shallow lakes them sometimes you will see
Wild ducks not familiar to many and not familiar to me
With fleshy lobes under bill and pink around ears and overall brown mottled gray
Birds i know of and have seen but do not see every day

Of Nature I Learn Something New

The years have left me ageing balding and gray
But of Nature i learn something new every day
Yes every day of her i learn something new
For to say this i am not one of a few

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