Francis Duggan Poems

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No Longer Rare

To love others you need to love self it does seem this way
But so many flawed people in the Human World of today
Who love themselves too much and for self only care
The narcissist with others does not have love to share

He Daydreamed

As a young man he daydreamed of wealth and renown
That he would be famous far beyond his hometown
A multi billionaire of Worldwide fame
And to billions of people a very well known name

As A Young Man He Daydreamed

As a young man he daydreamed of wealth and renown
That he would be famous far beyond his hometown
A multi billionaire of Worldwide fame
And to billions of people a very well known name

Eileen Buckley

She had lived in Liscahane Millstreet for most of her long life
Eileen 'Nee' Cronin the late Danny Buckley's wife
She performed the good role of loving wife and mother and to her higher self did live true
One can only give credit to where it is due

You Keep Surviving

Your sort by many looked on as not good enough
But you does hang in there when the going is tough
Like all born of poor parents of the lesser gods
From babyhood you have been battling the odds

Of Faces And Places

Places that i never again may see
That only lives nowadays in my memory
Clara the old hill that ever looks down
On the green countryside and streets of Millstreet Town

We Need Some Dream

Though many do die without seeing their dream true
We all need some dream in life for to pursue
And anyone's dream is never too small
In this respect what applies to one applies to all

In The Land Of The Oppressor

Since Jesus Christ on Calvary was crucified
So many people have been born and so many have died
And good people does languish in prison today
As prisoners of dictatorial political leaders in Lands far away

Will Have Us To Blame

The longest lived human life in time not a long span
On average a few years more for a woman than it is for a man
Death is for all mortals just like you and i
But Mother Earthwho does feed us she will never die

If You Have One True Friend

If you have one true friend count yourself lucky indeed
One who will not forsake you in your time of need
That pretend friends are many and true friends are few
Is not saying anything that is in any way that is new

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