Francis Duggan Poems

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Australia Day 2019

For many of the descendants of Australia's first people this not a good day
And one hardly should blame them for feeling this way
Since Cook and his sailors on their shores arrived
Two hundred and thirty one years of foreign occupation they have survived

She Dearly Did Wish

She dearly did wish for to become his wife
And to him be true for the rest of her life
And with him raise their children and with him grow old and gray
She was looking forward to their wedding day

The Chainsaws Are Blaring

The sun shining bright in the blue Summer sky
And the chainsaws are blaring in the parkland nearby
The workers of the developers are cutting old growth trees down
To make room for more buiildings on the industrial side of the town

Chainsaws Are Blaring

The sun shining bright in the blue Summer sky
And the chainsaws are blaring in the parkland nearby
The workers of the developers are cutting old growth trees down
To make room for more buiildings on the industrial side of the town

Those Who Give

Those who give without expecting to receive are good people indeed
And of far more of their sort humanity is in need
On the links of karma to humanity they do believe
One of the reasons they give without expecting in turn to receice

Many Roadways Of Life

The roadways of life he has been up and down
The balding gray haired old bloke from the far away town
Eight times a grandfather divorced from his wife
He is carrying on in his journey in life

Allow The Waterway

Old Allow today in flood waters of brown
Roars under the river bridge in Kanturk Town
And on towards the Blackwater bank high does flow
Where into a huge waterway it does grow

That Time Is The Master

We have been told that great wordsmiths are born not made
And that from literary history great names will never fade
But all things eventually to time does lose out
That time is immortal there can be no doubt

What Was This Country Like

What was this Country like before white people came
To the once Gondowondoland now Australia by name
Quite a different Country than it is today
New people bring with them changes in truth one can say

Due To Our Greed For Money

Some species of wild duck are born to dabble in shallow lakes for their food and others are born to dive
Most creatures have different ways of finding their food to survive
In Nature most creatures designed to survive in their environment though a lot of natural habitatus humans destroy
For development due to our greed for money we endanger the existence of creatures that bring us great joy

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