Francis Duggan Poems

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The Rose Of Tyrendarra

She is The Rose of Tyrendarra in her life's bloom and prime
Her sort always the subject of song, story and rhyme
Light brown hair to her shoulders and eyes blue as ripened sloes
A beautiful young woman and blooming like a rose

Everyone Has A Dream

Though for many their dreams never ever come true
We all have our dreams in life for to pursue
The one without a dream i have yet for to meet
And i have met many people on many a street

On The Passing Of Johnny Hickey

Such sad news out of Millstreet for to read of today
Johnny Hickey of Shannaknuck from life has passed away
In St Mary's by Cashman's Hill his last remains lay
He lived as an honest and good man of him one can say

Familiar Birds

Familiar birds where i live since i see them every day
New holland honeyeaters in feathers of black, gold and gray
Nectar eating small birds and of them one can say
That they are quite aggressive and from their territory try to chase other small honeyeaters away

Rob Rowley

A singer a farmer, an inventor and a published poet
And one different to most others and one well worthy of note
An idealist and great conversationalist and one with a charm of his own
Are reasons Rob Rowley beyond Illowa is well liked and well known

No Such A Thing As

No such a thing as an untalented person despite what some might say
Everybody is talented in some sort of a way
But most people for their talents do not know of wealth and fame
What used to be in this today remains the same.

The Red Deer At Halls Gap

In the parks and paddocks in and around Halls Gap them one often does see
The red deer of Europe there live wild and free
Though not as plentiful there as gray kangaroos red deer are not rare in any way
In the Geriwerd Ranges they are are animals one does see every day

Alone In Your Room

Alone in your room have you ever shed tears
For the place far away of your younger years
As you think of your young friends where might they be today
Where the deceased are perhaps some of them lay

Money Is The Main Source Of Inequality

The emphasis is strongly on money in the Human World of today
The paper currency that makes people unequal despite what some might say
Those who tell you money is not important to your social status on a falsehood believe
Themselves in their thinking they only deceive


He blames womankind for all of the wrong in his life
Since the mother of his two young daughters is now another man's wife
By court decreed legal appointments his children he only can see
His wife on his opinions of her does not agree

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