Francis Duggan Poems

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Spring Far Away

Good memories of what was i only retain
In fancy i walk in the old fields again
When the mild breeze of Spring from the mountain is blowing
And among the rank rushes the male pheasant is crowing

The Sounds Of November

The low droning sound of the dark brown honey bees
Gathering nectar from the flowering plants and blossoming trees
And nesting birds singing in garden and park
From the early dawn till the gloam before dark.

Music And Song

To song and to music people dance along
And life all the better for music and song
When the musicians play and the singers do sing
Great joy to so many they always do bring

An Unlikely Hero

In the big fire at Mancini's their house and it's contents were destroyed
And the story of their bad luck it has travelled far and wide
But the story it would have been worse if human lives were lost
Though the financial damage to the family it comes at a great cost.

Jim The Atheist

Jim the atheist says it does seem a bit odd
That they feel scared of death those who believe in god
If they genuinely believed in a life after death they would be happy to die
Do they harbour a tiny seed of doubt that god's existence may be a lie

Do Not Understand

When people do talk of land ownership I feel they do not understand
That we cannot own what does own us since we does belong to the land
You may have a paper deed for your property which is proof of ownership by human law
But your property and the land it does stand on you cannot take with you when your last breath of life you will draw

The Fruits Of The Karma You Do Sow

The fruits of the karma you do sow in life you are bound to receive
What goes around always comes around is a saying on which I do believe
You are not born into this World for to spend your life serving the I
Those who believe on living for self only are those who believe in their own lie

To Love Nature

I grew to love Nature when I was a boy
And learning of her ways today I enjoy
And my wonder of her ways only does grow
Yet so little about her I can claim for to know

Used Car Sales People

With the gift of the gab they would talk their way out of hell
These used car sales people they know how to sell
On their selling ability their jobs are at stake
The more cars they do sell the more commission they do make

Matters None To Me

It matters none to me criticism or praise
Since they do not mentally deflate me or my hopes does raise
Of climbing up further on the social tree
In life you win some and lose some is how it seems to be

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