Francis Duggan Poems

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Gray Haired Balding Joe

It does seem like time is becoming his foe
The young man of the fifties gray haired balding Joe
In September 1957 he kicked the winning goal on Grand Final Day
In victory for him such a mighty hooray

A Very Warm Day Close To Forty Degrees

The warm air full of the buzzing of flies and of bees
The day it is warm close to forty degrees
Around the flower beds and the blossoming trees
The white and the brown butterflies seemingly dance in the breeze

I Keep Rhyming On

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
And i am one who has penned many pages of stuff
My best years in life to the forever gone
But true to my calling i keep rhyming on

The Great Gift Of Hope

Your worth as a person you often do doubt
And sometimes you do wonder what's life all about
But for a better future to hope you do cling
The great gift of hope is a wonderful thing

His Responsibilities In Life

For years he has been talking of moving to elsewhere
And trying out his luck in the big World out there
But with a wife and two young children he must work for his pay
And talk of how life might be in the towns far away

I Know Of Life It Is Not Always Easy

I know of life it is not always easy though many know of it far tougher than me
I was not born to be a homeless person and i was not born to be a refugee
But i too have my moments of great sadness when happier times lost to me i recall
That our saddest memories can be born of laughter is something that does apply to us all

Who Knows What Tomorrow Will Bring

Who knows what tomorrow will bring us who know of us what lay ahead
But one thing i do know for certain that you never again wake when you are dead
We hear of and read of ghost stories you believe what you want to believe
If you believe all that others do tell you your own self you only deceive

I Do Know That Babies

I do know that babies on bushes do not grow
But so little of Nature and life i do know
Yet i learn a little from life every day
We never stop learning as some like to say

These People Do Not Help You

Since of your own flaws you may well be aware
How others feel of you why should you much care
Some people for to be judgemental are known
They seem to fail to realize your business is your own

Everyone For Themselves And God

Such a negative saying left to me to recall
Everyone for themselves and god for us all
Moses unwritten commandment of thine own self take care
I like many others of this seem aware

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