Francis Duggan Poems

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This Thing Known As Power

This thing known as power is an addictive thing
And those who do have it to it try to cling
Abuse of power we do read of and hear of every day
Not all who have power use it in a good way

The Victim Of Bullying

He has blossomed into be nobody's fool
The boy who was taunted and bullied at school
Quite a brilliant scientist and few of his kind
And his very equal would be hard to find.

Cyber Bullying

Does not matter your gender or what age you are
If you are into cyber bullying you have gone too far
In bad behavior your actions seem small
In fact you are not a good person at all

Some Women

Some women they are naive and some women they are shy
And some women they are cunning and some women they are coy
But they are less aggressive than the macho male kind
And compassion in women is never hard to find.

To Have Power Over Others

To have power over others is something one does not need
For tis only by good example that one can ever lead
And many with power over others their power they do abuse
And for those who abuse others there cannot be an excuse.

The War Supposed To End All Wars

The war supposed to end all wars it is long over it ended more than ninety years ago
But most of us human beings are known to be aggressive and not unwilling to create a foe
After two World wars and many major battles we hear of wars and rumors of wars every day
And the poor in war are those who mostly suffer this is how it is and it will always be this way

All Things In Nature

All things in Nature have a purpose and all life does inter-relate
And only Nature herself it seem does not have a use by date
And us humans are like Nature's Seasons to life we come and go
And the more we learn of Nature the less about her we know we know

A Beautiful Night In September

The moon did appear from behind dark clouds
Only again for to steal out of sight
And boobook owl called in the Parkland
His voice echoing in the calm night.

Amongst Writers

Amongst writers a scarce one is the millionaire
And even those who make a living out of writing to say the least rare
The stuff I do pen with others I freely share
In that way I am one of a majority of such I am aware


How can you expect others to trust you if your trust to them you do not give
That does seem to tie in it does seem with the old saying of live and let live
You mistrust someone and they will not trust you that is part of old Murphy's law
Are you one who is truly perfect the one who does not have a flaw?

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