Francis Duggan Poems

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A Person Different To Some Others

A person different to some others that is her only crime
One with a lawful addiction obsessed with penning rhyme
Even by some who know her she is misunderstood
Her poems have a rare beauty and many of them good,

On Saddam's Execution

For their sins everyone the price must pay
And Saddam Hussein is to swing today
Off of a gallows in distant Baghdad
As a human being his life record is bad

I Won'T Be Complaining

I won't be complaining things are not so bad
And I'll always be glad for the good times I've had
And i won't be complaining about my lot in life
In my own little world good luck it is rife

Tis Cold Back There This Evening

Tis cold back there this evening in the fields of Claramore
And the chilly winds of December across old Clara roar
And it coming up to Christmas a festive time of year
And on the streets of Millstreet carol singers one does hear.

He Is A Poetaster

He will never be looked on as one worthy of note
And he will always be an unfashionable poet
Though he has penned many a come all ye song
To the masses his type cannot hope to belong,

And What If I Cark It Tomorrow

And what if i cark it tomorrow life without me will surely go on
And i will have had a good innings my better days will be long gone
I've had a go at slipshod rhyming and I've penned my share of doggerel
And I've seen three score years of Summers in that way i have done quite well.

Neilly Collins

He worked hard for a livelihood and he never sought renown
And he was loved by many in Duhallow's Millstreet Town
The quiet man Neilly Collins back to Mother Earth has gone
But good memories of a gentle soul in Millstreet will live on.

Dry Old Castlemaine

The Winters dry and chilly and very little rain
And the Summers warm and windy in dry old Castlemaine
In the bare and brown paddock the windblown dust is flying around
And the thirsty one el nino sucks all moisture from the ground,

They Tell Us What We Want To Hear.

They tell us what we want to hear
And them we do want to believe
We leave our thoughts open to fear
By trusting those who love to deceive.

The Rose Of Penshurst

Her hair reaches to her shoulders her hair wavy and brown
And she looks very beautiful the Rose of Penshurst Town
She blooms forth in the sunshine like a rose after rain
And what's a loss to Penshurst is surely Geelong's gain

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