Francis Duggan Poems

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Some People Ask Me

Some people ask me what age are you the years have left you looking gray
When I tell them they seem a bit surprised you do look much older they say
Which does little for my sense of self esteem my ego begins to deflate
To be looking older than one is not something one should celebrate

Colac's Cliff Young

From Sydney to Melbourne he jogged to renown
Cliff Young the spud farmer from old Colac Town
Deceased but he lives as Colac's favourite son
The hearts of the Australian Nation he won

How To Lead An Honourable Life

You ask me how to lead an honourable life
Do not hit your children or do not hit your wife
Do not judge other people their lives are their own
Don't expect respect if respect you've not shown

The Woman From Moorabbin

From her old homeplace of Moorabbin she lives far away
And though she feels that there she would be a stranger today
The memories of childhood with her does remain
And in fancy she visits the old suburb again.

You May Live To Regret

'Tis true from insult friendship never can grow
That's stating I'm sure what you obviously know
You harm one physically or mentally you they may not forgive
They may even hate you for as long as they live

The Land Of

The Land of the grey and the red kangaroo
And the Land of the black and the white Cockatoo
Of wombat, koala, emu, lyrebird and currawong
And kookaburra by sight or voice one could not get wrong.

Self Promotion As Such

It really does seem the in thing of today
That many are into self promotion in quite a big way
Suppose if you don't promote self others of you won't know
The sapling deprived of sunlight to a tree does not grow

The Lovely Young Women Of Warrnambool Town

Of different races and colours of white, black and brown
The lovely young women of Warrnambool Town
They lay on the beach on a warm coastal day
When the sun it is shining on old Lady Bay

In A Hurtful Way

In a hurtful way on the feelings of others they intrude
Some people only know how to be rude
They do cause offence when cruel things they do say
Words can be hurtful when used in such a way

A Rhymer Is All I Can Be

Just a rhymer and nothing more
Far south of Hibernia's shore
And from where I first saw light of day
By those old brown hills far away

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