Francis Duggan Poems

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Be Thankful

Every day you wake to see
The welcome light of day
Happy indeed you should be
That you've not been death's prey.


From the hills above the Gold Coast the steep mountain road twists down
Through lush green flat lands and cane fields on through Murwillumbah Town
On through the Town of Mullumbimby through banana plantation


The hands of time keep turning and so many years have gone
Since Byron composed Don Juan and Childe Harold but his legend still lives on
His brief life of adventure was lived in life's fast lane
And the question is still pondered will we see his likes again?

Man With An Attitude Problem

We work with him we have to but we don't call him workmate
That awful man K Roper the one we love to hate
The World's greatest whinger he whinges all the time
And he'd end his days in prison if whinging was a crime.

Old Banteer

He always talks when he's had a few beers
About Duhallow of his younger years
And Banteer where he grew to be a man
And from where the journey south for him began.

Saffron Blue

There is a woman her name is Saffron Blue
And she looks young not more than twenty two
But she is older other people say
Still through her reddish hair there is no gray.


When his boss Gen was overseas of Rupert I took care
And I found him such good company for dogs like him are rare
We went for walks together which he seemed to enjoy
For three months my four legged mate how fast the weeks did fly.

Denis Corcoran

Denis Corcoran as a young man left Kilmeedy and he went to live in the U.S of A
And there he earnt his living as a Fireman he was a big and brave man on his day
But as the years went on he thought of Millstreet and of the fields by Clara far away
He visualized the bohreens and the hedgerows and the hawthorns in their white flowers of the May.

I'Ve Heard You Pauline Hanson

I've heard you Pauline Hanson but don't ask me to understand
Why you and those you speak for think that they own this Land
Your views with racist undertones give rise to racist fears
And your people not been here so long at most two hundred years.

Fifteen Years Out Here How Quick The Time Has Gone

I've spent fifteen years out here how time does fly
And here in Australia bird nesting season nigh
But in Ireland since another Spring gone by
And a flight ticket back home I could not afford to buy.

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