Francis Duggan Poems

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In The Meadows And Fields Where The Blackwater Flow

A little of living and life I do know
And I've seen many Seasons and years come and go
And my legs once so sprightly seem heavy and slow
Since I lived where the great river Blackwater flow

Self Praise It Is No Praise Those Words I Recall

Self praise it is no praise those words I recall
And pride they will tell you comes before a fall
And at times we all have to swallow our pride
But when one door on us closes another opens wide.

Oh Look At Him

Oh look at him the Company Director he has a constant smirk upon his face
Last year's Company profits after expenses 100 million at Company board meetings he takes pride of place
By his body guard he is always chauffeur driven one thing for sure is of hunger he won't die
He always has a plane at his disposal whenever he is in the mood to fly.

Goodbye To Everybody

Goodbye to Kate and Tommy goodbye to Jean and Joe
And all the people who know me and everyone I know
In the old coastal country I will carry with me
Memories of familiar faces in the Town close to the sea.

Those Marvellous Cossack Dancers

Without doubt Russia's finest how marvellous they can dance
I wish I could dance like them but of that there is no chance
For they are so athletic they jump and swirl around
And when they are performing the cheers for them resound.

The Artist's Work

The crimson rosellas on her canvas look so life like and real
This woman for things natural she surely has the feel
Her amazing sense of colours a genius at her trade
Great artists like great writers are born and not made.


On a sunlit hill at Neerena there is scarce a puff of breeze
And murray grey cattle sit and chew their cud at ease in the shade of the cypress trees
And though deciduous trees are looking bare and few birds chirp or sing
Than an evening in early Winter it seems more like a day in Spring.

For So Many

For so many life it is hell
They have such sad stories to tell
Their own selves and their families they have to deprive
Just in order that they should survive.

The Birth Of A New State

In the city square of the capital City the thousands celebrate
What is a marvellous day for all of them the birth of their new State
For such a special day as this for years they've had to wait
The band is playing the flags are flying and they will party on till late.

The Day Is Cool And Rainy

The day is cool and rainy it is that time of year
A few days from the start of Winter the currawongs I hear
In late Fall in large flocks they assemble they sing to tell of rain
And their oft repeated song of karrawong karrawong heard over and again.

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