The Day Is Cool And Rainy Poem by Francis Duggan

The Day Is Cool And Rainy

The day is cool and rainy it is that time of year
A few days from the start of Winter the currawongs I hear
In late Fall in large flocks they assemble they sing to tell of rain
And their oft repeated song of karrawong karrawong heard over and again.

The day is cool and rainy and dark rain clouds in the sky
But the fluting of the magpie to hear is a thing of joy
To Mother Nature's Kingdom the Seasons come and go
And the more I learn of Nature the less of her I know I know

The day is cool and rainy with a slight chill in the breeze
And the beautiful crimson rosellas can be heard on the trees
Their notes are soft and bell like them one cannot mistake
The wildborn creatures of Nature their own impression make.

Upon us who care to listen to their call or their song
The laughter of the laughing kookaburra the familiar calls of the dark feathered currawong
And all are very different in their own distinctive way
In Nature's own Wild Kingdom we hear and see them every day.

The day is cool and rainy at the tail end of the Fall
And on the tall gums in the wood the pied currawong call
So near to the start of Winter and I wonder will I be here
To hear again the currawongs in the late Fall of next year.

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