Francis Duggan Poems

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The More We Know The Less We Know We Know

'Tis true the more knowledge we acquire the less we know we know
And for the decades that we live if we only have to show
A financial institution we did create that does not seem much at all
For the greatest human achievement when compared to Nature small.

The Pride Of Knocknagree

The beauty of her Village and none so fair as she
Way back in the mid fifties she was the pride of Knocknagree
One in her early twenties then and all but in her prime
She did not go unnoticed and she inspired the poets to rhyme.

We Are The Common People

We don't know what it feels like to be seen as important and we've never known a glorious hour
And we are known as the common people the people without power
Others make for us decisions of which we do not agree
Those who have the cheek to tell us that we know of liberty.

She Was In High School In The Early Eighties

She was in high school in the early eighties but now some gray in her brown hair grow
And though she is only in her mid thirties the years on her already show
In her twenties she looked quite lovely but she has been putting on weight
One might say she looks a bit plumper though health wise she is feeling great.

In The Heart Of Every Migrant

I fancy I can hear the robin singing at the dawning of the day
As a red Summer sun is rising o'er a brown hill far away
And a new mown meadow scent sweetly of the sweetness of hay
And the memory of such beauty for a lifetime with one stay.

Our Values Are So Different

Man and woman take care of yourself though that you do not say
That is Moses unwritten commandment the one that you obey
Though people like you are plentiful there are many more like you
Those who show genuine concern for others as ever are the few.

Christie The Queen Of Song

A poet if ever there was one is Christie the Queen of Song
She sings her songs on her guitar whilst others sing along
Her singing voice distinctive is so beautiful and clear
And she is one of those that you've heard once that again you want to hear.

On Hearing Of The Death Of Kevin Hickey

Sad news a news that travels far and wide
And I was told of how young Kevin Hickey died
On the Shannaknock road of his car he lost control
And the reaper claimed his body not his soul.

Old Sammy

Old Sammy who lives on the east side his new wife is younger than his son
And like they say money speaks every language and money for him wonders have done
It has won for him another young woman for him she is wife number five
And he over seventy and unhealthy and lucky for to be alive.

For There Is More To Life

'Tis said we only dislike in others what in ourselves we see
And of the inhibitions we grew up with some of us never may be free
But there ought to be far more to life than the Me, Myself and I
Though those three will be with us until the day we die.

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