Francis Duggan Poems

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Girls Become Young Women

Girls become young women and lovely to behold
But to time lose their beauty as they do grow old
Then they use hair dyes and makeup to fight time's decay
But the look of freshness of youth as they age with them does not stay

Australia's Thirtieth Prime Minister

It does seem way beyond me for to explain
That someone who has inflicted on others so much mental pain
And has known to be cruel to every boat refugee
Has reached the very top of Australia's political tree

The Women I Fancied

The women I fancied many years ago
Like me must be ageing as time is our foe
Perhaps I would not recognize them if I met them today
With age faces seem to change as time does tick away

Everyday When

Everyday when out walking them I do dee
People with big ego are all around me
Some taking selfies or talking on their mobile phone as they walk along
Their love of self it is obvious and extremely strong

It Is Sad To Realize

It is sad to realize so very sad indeed
That the Earth that does feed us is being destroyed by human greed
Of our own extinction we are planting the seed
Of many more environmentally friendly people humanity is in need

Malcolm's Selfies

Malcolm Turnbull is into self in quite a big way
With his expensive mobile phone he takes selfies of himself every day
Images of him taking selfies often appear
It is not in Macdonald's that his sort does dine

You Should Never

You should never judge people for their money or the size of their home or their car
You should only judge them for the sort of people they are
The very wealthy person who is honest and generous and kind
On finding flaws as such you should not seek to find

Football Fans

Of late little in our lives for to talk of at all
We can count ourselves lucky for to have football
For our after work get together in the local pub
For to talk of the fortunes of our favourite club

I Would Write About

Were I a Nature poet I would write about
The roo and the rabbit the platypus and trout
And the animals and birds I does see every day
If I were one with words who did have a way

As A Better Person

To grow old as a better person is all I wish to be
And help anyone who does need help from me
And practice the theory of live and let live
In life to receive you must learn how to give

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