Francis Duggan Poems

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Nature She Lives On Forever

We hear of and read of earthquakes, huge winds and huge floodings in the newspapers and on the radio each day
And climate change is for real and happening despite what the sceptics do say
The more money you have in such a case the more that you do stand for to lose
To none the Nature Goddess is subservient her own ways she always does choose

Tomorrow Is Another Day

Old lady luck's not on your side and things for you going wrong
And you feel weary in your heart you've battled for far too long
Up the steep hill of your hard life and your sense of despair
But tomorrow is another day and you should hang in there.

The Old Fields By The Finnow

The gray crow cawing on the birch tree at the dawning of the day
Where the Finnow through the green and rushy fields it slowly winds it's way
Towards Drishane to join with the Blackwater and into a bigger river grow
The river flows forever though the people come and go.

The Song Of The Robin

Whilst his mate she sits on her eggs in her nest
I fancy I hear and I see him the sun on his red-breast
He singing upon the leafy silver birch tree
Proclaiming the borders of his territory.

You Show Me

You show me the one who has never known fear
Or one never once seen for to shed a tear
And you'll show me one with a heart as cold as stone
An air breathing individual of blood, flesh and bone.

Poker Face

Someone must have told him years ago that smiling is a crime
And I've never once heard him to laugh though I've known him for some time
He always wears a serious look they call him poker face
It would seem that in his sad heart for joy there isn't space.

On Seeing Goldfinches

So beautiful to look at in the sun of a Winter's day
They feed upon the thistle seeds by the fence by the roadway
A small flock of goldfinches in red and fawn and gold
In their beautiful colours so lovely to behold.

The Truth Will Set You Free

From lying your soul is in spiritual poverty
But the truth though hard to say will surely set you free
Of any sense of guilt you may possess
And lead you on the road to happiness,

In This Multicultural City

In this multicultural City where every race dwell
Every individual have their own story to tell
People of every Nation from places far and near
Of every culture you will find them here.

Oh Sing Me A Song Of Nature

Oh sing me of Nature's great beauty of sunlight on flowering gum trees
And the sweet scents of Nature's own perfume that wafts in the freshening breeze
And sing of the wildborn creatures the call of the boobook owl at night
And the wild cry of the brushtail possum on the blackwood tree in the moonlight,

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