Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Suppose I Will Be Penning Stuff

What matter for my success or lack of it since I must die anyway
And my biological clock is ticking on I've known a better day
And what use now in any regret since regret is a waste of time
In the many hours I've seemingly wasted in the penning of reams of rhyme

An Old Man Talks Of The Hopkins

In my youth it flowed clean it was a beautiful waterway
That's what the old Warrnambool local did say
And for human progress he added there is some price to pay
The Hopkins is badly polluted today.

In Nature's There's Beauty

In Nature there's beauty for all to be seen
Her Autumns of brown and her Springs of green
Her Summers of sunshine and beautiful flowers
And her snow capped hills of Winter and her wind driven showers

Of Life And Of Nature My Wonder Does Grow

Of life and of Nature my wonder does grow
Yet so little of them I realize I do know
The bird in the Spring does remember it's song
The notes that to it and to it's kind belong

From Life We Go On Learning

In life there is a lesson or two for us every day
And for wrong we do to others in karma we must pay
But in life the best you can do is to live good as you can
And try to be a better woman or be a better man

For One In His Mid Seventies

The years are telling on him his balding head is gray
The old man in his seventies from the Northlands far away
The young man of the sixties his better years long gone
And only his great lust for life itself that keeps him living on.

On The Subject Of An Afterlife

On the subject of an Afterlife of hell
For the earthly sinners I'd rather not dwell
Since billions of poor people do live in their Earthly hell
in a World where some see

Well That Suits Me Fine

You say I am damned well that suits me fine
Save your own soul mister you cannot save mine
To worship the God you believe in you won't convert me
With your way of thinking I do not agree

True Aussie Heroes And Heroines

From Victoria's bushfires great stories we hear
Stories of great courage in the face of fear
Stories of generosity and selflessness of the catastrophe abound
When heroes and heroines are needed they are to be found

On Most Subject Matters

On most subject matters we do disagree
But your life is as important to you as my life is to me
On that one matter there's little doubt you and I
Without reservation do see eye to eye

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