Francis Duggan Poems

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Respect It Is Earned

Respect it is earned and cannot be won
Words of the wise woman to her grandson
The praises of fools by too many are sung
We should learn from our mistakes of when we were young

Friendship Of A Dog

The best friend most people have is their dog on your dog for friendship you can depend
Than your ever devoted canine you cannot have a better friend
Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life
A dog's love you can rely on far more than the love of your wife,

The Roads Of Life Keep Winding Up And Down

The roads of life keep winding up and down
They take us to obscurity and renown
It is a journey we must undertake
And along the way there's joy and there's heartbreak.

Of The Horrors Of War

Of the horrors of war we hear every day
And of death and destruction in cities far away
And any lesson it would seem not learned from the past
And mistrust and enmity for centuries last.

Doctors Differ And Patients Die

Doctors differ and patients die
In some cases not a lie
And every surgical mistake
Can lead to death and grieving and heartbreak

Happy Childhood Memories

Happy childhood memories the best memories of all
And my younger years in Millstreet I will always recall
On evenings in Summer up to the mid Fall
In the Townpark at the West End we played gaelic football

A Beautiful Evening Of Sunshine And Breeze

With a forecast high of twenty one degrees
A beautiful evening of sunshine and breeze
On the trees and bushes birds whistle and sing
With only five days left of the calendar Spring

A Difference Of Opinions

A difference of opinions just means you and i
On different subjects do not see eye to eye
And who is wrong or right is not for me to say
Since we do look at life in a different way.

The Wonders Of Nature

The wonders of Nature around us every day
The billions of multicoloured wildflowers that bloom in their own natural way
The hum of the nectar gathering honey bees
And the scent of pollen blown out from the blossoming trees.

Of Global Warming And Climate Change

Of Global warming and climate change we read of and hear
The changes in our natural environment gives us reason to fear
Of what does lay ahead for the children of today
We've brought climate change forward by centuries it does seem that way.

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