Francis Duggan Poems

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Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy was a master wordsmith with many an imitator
A leading writer of his time than him few if any greater
His poems and novels still in print his work has not gone out of fashion
He kept on writing to his old age and he did pen with a passion

There Are So Many Arrogant People

There are so many arrogant people who feel superior in their own arrogant way
And to the opinions of others respect they never seem to pay
You will find it in some ambitious females but mostly it is a male thing
Those who only sing their own praises the praise of others never do sing,

I Envy The Forgotten Hermit

Our kind has climbed the highest mountains and jumped out of planes in the sky
And walked upon outer space planets in places to where birds cannot fly
We even try to compete with Nature with the emphasis on the word try
But Nature wins out in the long run for we age and grow old and die.

Some Call Me A Boring Old Fart

I'm not interested in football or baseball or tennis or cricket or art
Or opera or modern poetry some call me a boring old fart
I'm just one of many poetasters a writer of doggerel rhyme
For me the fun is gone out of living I'm wearied by old father time.

Please Give Me One More Glass Of Red Wine

You will die when the reaper will come for you though others
on that have different to say
Such as when god says you've had your innings and to beg for his mercy to him they pray
I may be wrong and they may be right who knows for their guess is as good as mine

The Wise They Are Born

The wise they are born for they cannot be made
And you can't teach the old dogs the tricks of their trade
And it seem sad to think you need not travel far
For to find one of seventy who glorifies war

The Truth Will Set You Free

From lying your soul is in spiritual poverty
But the truth though hard to say will surely set you free
Of any sense of guilt you may possess
And lead you on the road to happiness,

In This Multicultural City

In this multicultural City where every race dwell
Every individual have their own story to tell
People of every Nation from places far and near
Of every culture you will find them here.

Poker Face

Someone must have told him years ago that smiling is a crime
And I've never once heard him to laugh though I've known him for some time
He always wears a serious look they call him poker face
It would seem that in his sad heart for joy there isn't space.

On Seeing Goldfinches

So beautiful to look at in the sun of a Winter's day
They feed upon the thistle seeds by the fence by the roadway
A small flock of goldfinches in red and fawn and gold
In their beautiful colours so lovely to behold.

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